Saturday, November 17, 2018


Pedagogical Contents

2.1  Teaching methods

1.  Teacher centered method

The teacher is looked upon by the learners as an expert or an authority. Leraners or the other hand copious recipient knowledge from the teacher (spoon feeding)

·         Lecture method

Lack of involvement of the learners.

2.    Learner centered method

The teacher becomes a resources rather than an authority.
·         Discussion method

Discovery or inquiry based approach interaction of the learner and teacher in teaching learning process.

2.2  Learning materials and innovation

Based on my observation, the teacher used learning materials in the lesson like textbooks power point, group activity, videos, and picture. Some of the teacher uses motivation activity can become innovation in this lesson. I don’t only aid instruction, they help learners to be motivated and ready for learning as well.

2.3  Sources of learning and technology

Learning resources used for teaching junior high school are student books and learning media from YouTube and the internet that support teachers to be able to explain to students about daily subject matter.

Then the technology used is power point, projector, speaker and wifi which are always there to support learning.

2.4  Authentic assessment

Authentic assessment is the measurement of intellectual accomplishments that are worth while, significant and meaningful. It can be devised by the teacher or in collaboration with the student by engaging student voice.

1.  Real life situation

2.  Real world task

Authentic assessment attempt to demonstrate what a student actually learns in class rather than the students ability to do well on stand traditional tests.

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