Friday, September 28, 2018


By Refor Diansyah

This is a very extraordinary day. The first time I went abroad to find a new experience, new friends and see a broader insight together with friends from Indonesia. finally it was time for me to fly to the land of the white elephant for a month. gain knowledge so that what I will get with my friends can be applied in my country. and how about a good education system and how to teach good techniques. how's the story of my journey read it out. Happy reading.
August 4, 2018 the journey is started. we had to leave leaving Jambi to fly to Jakarta. right at 09.00 we departed. I was joined by friends and lecturers from the University of Jambi. his name is rahmalia's mother. and I will start the journey with my friend named Abdul Azis. lots of messages delivered before we left. ranging from maintaining worship, eating regularly and focusing on devotion. because our goal is to serve together to create an important idea for a teacher. that's what I remember. and we entered the plane and then flew to Jakarta for one hour. after that when we arrived in Jakarta, we immediately rushed to the flight to Bangkok. this flight takes 4 hours. quite a long journey. so I thought this was a boring trip. sit down, shut up in a plane. this is the first time I've been on a plane for four hours. I hope I'm not sick. our journey was carried out until late afternoon. coincidentally azis sat right next to me. at least we can tell stories while on the plane and reduce boredom on the plane.

Before go to Jakarta

Upon arrival in bangkok. Very crowded people at this airport. and all communicate with English. this is a challenge to follow the sea teacher. the language we use must be an international language, namely English. the first time we were looking for was a cellphone card to give news especially to family, friends and friends in Indonesia. that's where I first used English. I am not very smart but they understand what I say. vice versa. the price of the starter card at the airport is 299 bath (Thai currency) for 8 days. then after we contacted the family. I sat on the floor and felt a new atmosphere. this is what is called overseas. where many people are walking fast. nothing is slow and they just think of working to work and work. apart from that. we have problems finding a domestic flight terminal. we almost got the bus to go to the terminal which even though the terminal was upstairs. luckily there were two women who approached us and showed us where the road was going to the domestic terminal. they are very kind. from there I realized and believed that there were still many good people here who wanted to help each other. and from here also I feel this Thai person is very good and I'm happy to be here. When I arrived at the terminal, I had to sleep in a chair because the pilot to Loei was at 8 a.m that night we spent resting and lying in a chair even though it was very cold in the room.

August 5, 2018

Morning arrived. I was prepared to put the goods in the baggage. we boarded the plane three times because our location was far from Bangkok. entering the baggage turns out to have to pay 900 baths again. very good value for us because we only brought 5000 baths for one month. but that is not a problem for an experience. because experience is the most valuable teacher. the trip was taken for one hour. and we arrived at Loei. a beautiful, green and cool province. very similar to a district in Jambi, namely Kerinci. a little treat longing because of the similarity of the surrounding atmosphere that made me believe that I would be comfortable in this location. I was waiting to be picked up with Loei Rajabhat University. interval of one hour, finally we were picked up with several students who also followed sea teacher, namely yokz, yo, and phim. they are my new friends here. not only that. there is one friend from fhilipina named paul. he is also a sea teacher who will adventure with us. short of our story was taken to the inn. we stayed at international dormitory. 3rd floor above and I was one room with Azis. We are very happy to find that at our location we have wifi that we can at least use to communicate with family. when we put down the items we were so hungry that we were ushered into the cafeteria at LRU. order food. this is not easy for Muslims. we must be careful in choosing food. that's the first time I ate Thai food
      Arround in LRU

Thai food

6 and 7 August 2018

We have time to tidy up the clothes in the closet and take a full rest after a long, tiring journey. while waiting on the 8th because we will introduce ourselves to lecturers and teacher teachers at Loei Rajabhat University
August 8, 2018
It's my first day speaking in public. in front of friends of Thailand and lecturers in Thailand. this is an extraordinary experience and very rarely obtained by many people. I also introduced myself. and also introduced to Jambi University and our home region, Jambi Province. 9 and 10 August 2018 we have two days to go around Loei Rajabhat University. I am accompanied by Pham. a student of the same social sciences with me. because here I teach social science even though I come from economic education. he also invited me to surround all the locations in this university. and most importantly he is very kind and friendly.

Photo with Coordinator

13-17 August 2018

            This is the first time I have come to school yes my school is very close to the inn so I can go walking to school called demonstration school of LRU.

                                            First time go to Demonstration School of LRU


School profile

            Mission Statement

1.       Provide education at the basic and basic levels so that students can develop their knowledge, skills and abilities to think, solve problems, use language and technology. Also 21st Century Learning Skills Potential for everyone.
2.       Experimental research studies to develop curriculum development, curriculum management, educational innovation and student assessment organizations.
3.       This is the professional experience of the students of the Faculty of Education and other faculties at Loei Rajabhat University and other institutions.
4.          It is suitable for basic and basic education and quality school management.
5.       Coordinate collaboration between community leaders and local organizations. In education the School has been involved in the development of education, conservation of natural resources, maintenance of cultural heritage. And local wisdom
6.          Develop all personnel to work effectively.

7.  Academic and other services To local communities, organizations and institutions.

Organizational Structure

                           Job Description of Personnel in the OS
a.       Director
1.          Administration and finance
2.          Human resources and benefits
3.          Budget and supplies
4.          Policies and plans
5.          Nutrition and health
6.          Building landscaping and maintenance
7.          School income
8.          Information and student census
9.          Information and audio visual equipment

b.      Deputy Director of Kindergarten
1.          Develop cources and experience plan
2.          Experrience supervision and practice
3.          Media development and learning center
4.          Evaluation and create a protfolio
5.          Qualitative educational research
6.          Library and reading
7.          Events
8.          Student activities and events
9.          Parent relationship work and community
10.       Quality assurance

c.       Deputy Director of Primary
1.          Develop cources and experience plan
2.          Experience supervision and practice
3.          Media development and learning center
4.          Student registration
5.          Qualitative educational research
6.          Library and reading
7.          Events
8.          Sport and recreation
9.          Parent relationship work and community
10.       Assembly and academic camp
11.       Moral promotion and classroom research
12.       Quality assurance

               Organizational Culture
        Organizational culture in this country can be said to be good. because all of them respect and respect leaders. all of them also appreciate time. discipline is also evident. and a sense of tolerance that looks so good. the leader's respect was seen when a joint meeting in the room we carried out at the beginning when it arrived, then continued once a week in room 23 and at the end of the meeting.

Teacher Name
Mrs. Salila Pakonchaikul
Mrs. Satsayamon Suwunnason
Mrs. Sasikan Promkot
Mrs. Ornuma Samatkul
Mr.Teerayut Trairat
Mr. Patompong Promkot
Mr. Todsawat Maneekeaw
Mr. Witsawa Atthapoom
Mr. Wasan Lekla
Mr. Tanasak Patoomchat

Total student Secondary Demonstration school of LRU

Grade level
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3


     Academic support system

Regarding the academic support system in this school is very complete. starting from teaching facilities such as infocus, air conditioning, lights, and speakers to help and support the teacher to deliver the subject matter to be taught. then about the room is also very complete. maybe this school is still newly founded so it still has a few students. but in general all facilities in this school are very complete. there is a computer room, a teacher's room, and a multipurpose room if there is a holiday or a memorial.

  Teaching system

At this school uses a teaching system called the school curriculum. where scores for students for Thai, mathematics, natural sciences, social, English and history are 70% based on daily assessments and 30% based on final tests.
Then for sports, arts, thailand dan computers (local content) the scoring system was 80% taken from the day and 20% based on the final test results. The teacher explains according to the circumstances that occur in life and uses applications that are useful to add insight (kahoot) so that students do not tend to be monotonous and bored.

  Materials and other learning sources

The materials and learning resources at this school are using textbooks in Thailand and using applications and media such as youtube and using the internet to support teaching materials.

   Measurement and evaluation system

Measurement and evaluation systems to students can be in the form of tests and assessments of how students can understand what the teacher has explained in the classroom. sometimes there are those who give assignments or homework but sometimes the teacher always monitors how students are developing in the classroom and from there the teacher can evaluate or measure how far the students' ability in learning.


Content standard
Performances standard
Learning competencies
The              student spellings
The student can read correctly



     Teaching plan (of your major)

1.    Objectives                    : the students can spellings

2.    Subject Matter             : spellings
a.      Reference               : thai words in student book
b.     Materials/ Tools     : Power Point presentation, student book, Laptop and paper charts.
3.    Procedure
a.           Preliminary Activities    : games/song
b.          Motivation                      : point/reward/compliment
c.           Development of Lesson : dictation
d.          Procedure                       : listen and repeat

4.    Generalization   : spellings
5.    Evaluation         : the student can read correctly

6.    Assignment       : repetition/work sheet

In that school there is elementary school. junior high school and even early childhood education until kindergarten also exists. incorporated in one container and name. this is a school that is made directly by the university to develop the ability of students and female students in LRU kardna every week there are those who practice teaching directly at this school. remarkable. I was introduced to the principal here. I called her aunt Sasi and the Deputy Head of School named Meow and there were also other teacher teachers who were also extraordinary friends for a month. the names are noon, bombe, pham, and other teachers that I can't name one by one. because I have a problem in remembering the Thai name  name. in Thailand they have two names, they are long names and nicknames and the second has no connection. that makes it difficult for me to remember their names. we also immediately held the inaugural meeting discussing learning plans, rules and introducing mentors and advisors for a month here. the name of my mentor is pat Sartsin and the advisor who has a ajan dear.

Meet with Director, advisor and mentor in Deminstration School of LRU

We spent the five days observing into the classroom even a few minutes we talked in front of the class and introduced our biodata to students and students. I taught at the first high school in this school. I also feel very happy. at the time of observation they were very pleased with my arrival here. seen from their smiles on their faces. and I continue to see how to teach here with my mentor. very exciting. begins with the game then the material and ends with the game. of course this really makes students comfortable in learning. this is what makes students better able to understand the lesson delivered by a teacher rather than having to moton using the lecture method. because it can make students not understand and get bored with it. from here I can learn that this is how to educate students. even when we teach. they don't dare to hold the cellphone even though in every corner the room has wifi.

August 15, 2018

That day was the first day I taught and two hours were full of mine to explain and become a real teacher. I was very enthusiastic at first, but with the help of the facilities I was getting more excited. In addition, my friend bombe helped me in preparing the lesson plan and preparing all the facilities in teaching such as infocus, speakers and even mic in the room and fan which made me not overheating. this is the first day and the language I use is international language. of course this is not easy to do. need mental and strong confidence to be able to speak here. I explained the social interaction of my students at that time. as a result the first day was quite satisfying although not yet conducive. but I didn't give up. I still have the next week to fix it all.

Teaching methods

1. Teacher centered method
The teacher is looked upon by the learners as an expert or an authority. Leraners or the other hand copious recipient knowledge from the teacher (spoon feeding)
a. Lecture method
    Lack of involvement of the learners.

2.   Learner centered method

    The teacher becomes a resources rather than an authority.
a. Discussion method
Discovery or inquiry based approach interaction of the learner and teacher in teaching learning process.

3. Learning materials and innovation
Based on my observation, the teacher used learning materials in the lesson like textbooks power point, group activity, videos, and picture. Some of the teacher uses motivation activity can become innovation in this lesson. I don’t only aid instruction, they help learners to be motivated and ready for learning as well.

4.      Sources of learning and technology

Learning resources used for teaching junior high school are student books and learning media from YouTube and the internet that support teachers to be able to explain to students about daily subject matter.

Then the technology used is power point, projector, speaker and wifi which are always there to support learning

5.      Authentic assessment

Authentic assessment is the measurement of intellectual accomplishments that are worth while, significant and meaningful. It can be devised by the teacher or in collaboration with the student by engaging student voice.
1.    Real life situation
2.    Real world task

Authentic assessment attempt to demonstrate what a student actually learns in class rather than the students ability to do well on stand traditional tests.

First Teaching

August 17, 2018

that day was a very extraordinary day for Indonesia. because on that day is the independence day or the country's birthday. on that day I was in the land of people. here I feel that nationalism is very strong in me. I also commemorate it by holding and kissing the red and white image that I consider as a form of my love for Indonesia.

Indonesian Birthday

August 19, 2018

I was invited by my friend named tack and nathi. they took me for a vacation and walked to the hill called phu bho bhit. it is a hill with a height of approximately 700 meters above sea level. I was very happy to see Loei, Thailand from the top of the hill while watching the sunset.

           Holiday Phu Bo Bit

August 22, 2018

A big day for Muslims that coincides with my teaching hour. I really miss my parents because this is our holiday. here I feel very high tolerance from teacher teachers in school. they allow us to enter in the afternoon and in the morning we are invited to worship. this is a form of extraordinary tolerance. we also don't waste time. until finally we left for school.
On that day I also taught material about money in Southeast Asia. still using the warm-up stage with the game then the material and this time in the closing I gave a gift to students who could answer my question correctly. the prize was in the form of rupiah money which I took deliberately for them so that they always remember me when I returned to Indonesia, worth 2,000, 5000, 10,000 and even 20,000 rupiah for those who could and dare answer correctly. I did not get bored repeating the material if they did not understand what I explained. As a result this meeting is better than before and I feel more conducive.
        Second week Teaching

August 25, 2018

I was invited by the advisor from Azis for a vacation to the river surrounded by hills. of course I really like it because I like to walk here I hear a lot of stories about how to live in Loei, Thailand. the majority here are rice and vegetable farmers because this area is cool and green. the motorbikes and cars are very orderly. not even solid. the vehicle here is not as dense as in Jambi. and can not be said to be jammed. that makes me comfortable being here. they also maintain the authenticity of the forest. then the way they eat is different. most of them eat using sticky rice which is eaten with grilled chicken or grilled fish. very tasty. although a little difficult to find foods that are classified. as very spicy like that in Indonesia. we were given free service by the azis advisor. thank you.

Holiday with Advisor from Azis

August 29, 2018

The last day I teach. that same day I had to give the best to my students and mentors and advisors who had been guiding me at school. I also tried better than the previous meeting. keep using the same stages and they still like and pay attention to me in explaining. at the end of the learning I also told all my social media and told them to write their messages and impressions to me while teaching here. they are very antiquated to give the letter. some even write it in Indonesian. Remarkable.

August 30, 2018

After finishing teaching and serving, it's time to prepare for leaving Thailand and Loei. I get a lot of experience. starting from culture, education, economics and so on. they also highly respect and preserve culture. a lot of memorial days celebrated by the people in Thailand. starting from mother's day, education day and international day. all presented with the cultural culture displayed on the agenda. Loei dance area, Thailand is also displayed. and on this date I was invited to go to enjoy Chiang Khan. a location for selling souvenir centers that sell various kinds of souvenirs to be brought back to Indonesia as supplies and memories for family, friends and lecturers at the University of Jambi. there are clothes, key chains and bags that I deliberately bought for friends in Indonesia. the trip to Chiang Khan was decorated with a view on the roadside. lots of rice and hills lining up while welcoming us to buy souvenirs. we are certain in a house called a museum. see ancient relics in this area and join in dancing with them. we also wear Thai clothing for dancing. this is how it turns out it feels like following a dance using traditional clothes. it feels very happy. about an hour passed. we continued the journey to the location of buying souvenirs. in short, we finished shopping and headed for the inn. and at the same time packing goods for preparation for returning to Indonesia.

Go to Chiang Khan and Local Costum

August 31, 2018

Our last day was at the same time parting with the president of Loei Rajabhat University and the lecturer lecturer and all the friends here. it feels very short time to talk. remembering when it arrived here it felt like going home. but when approaching home time it feels like still wanting to survive. farewell begins with a lunch with the president. but before that. we also attended the farewell agenda at the school where we were teaching. it feels very sad to leave this location. although there are not many stories because only one month of service. but quite impressive. lunch is adorned with laughter releasing our last seconds here. after that proceed to the meeting in the president's room to convey what I got here. I also spoke up. and this is what I say. "thanks to all from the beginning we met up to now. thank you for all the greetings you gave to us. thank you for the amazing experience. this was the first time I was present and went to the international world. I had to leave my family in Indonesia. very sad and feel alone, as time goes by I feel the warmth of the family here, education using complete facilities and learning methods that are not boring makes me really want to go back to Indonesia and put it into practice. ancestor, here I learned a lot of things, independence and discipline I also got, thank you for picking us up in the morning to school, I understand a lot of student characters here, this is a fortune given by God to me so I can get here and meet o extraordinary people. not until here is our family. after this we can still communicate through social media. and to exchange opinions about education or otherwise we can also do it through social media. Once again, thank you. and I am very happy to meet you. I hope there will be more time for us to just tell stories. " that's what I say. I can't lie, I shed tears. the meeting ended with the issuance of certificates and joint photos.

Last in Demonstration School of LRU

Last Meeting with Presiden, Coordinator and Teacher


Summary and Suggestions Student teachers summarize what you had done during your practicum according to topics as follows: 6.1  Pu...